CLK: Further Reading

This page contains references and further reading suggestions related to the eight different sections of the Carbon Literacy: Knowledge e-learning course. Browse the links in the categories below to read the very latest science associated with each section..

Section 1

Further Reading

Greta Thunberg quote – #FridaysforFuture

Nelson Mandela quote – BBC News

UK GHG Emissions – UK Government

Keeling Curve

Stern Report

Section 2

Further Reading

Section 3

Further Reading

Extreme Weather

The cost of 2018’s climate disasters – The Guardian

Attributing extreme weather to climate change – Carbon Brief

Australia fires: A visual guide to the bushfire crisis – BBC News

The Australian bushfires—why they are unprecedented – Australian Academy of Science

Tornadoes and climate change – Carbon Brief

Met Office Weather and Climate News – Met Office

Met Office Climate Projections – Met Office

UK Flood Map – UK Government

How does the jet stream affect climate change? – Inside Climate News


Ice Melt

The Big Thaw – National Geographic

Pine Island ice melt – NASA



Desertification and the role of climate change – Carbon Brief

World Atlas of Desertification – European Commission



How infrastructure is affected by climate change – National Infrastructure Commission

Spotlight on UK infrastructure as climate changes – Committee on Climate Change (CCC)


Sea Level Rise

UK Flood Map – UK Government

Sea level change data – UK Government

The Thames Barrier – UK Government


Ocean Acidification

Cold water coral in the UK – Wildlife Trust

Ocean deoxygenation – Ocean Scientists for Informed Policy

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate – IPCC


Urban Heat Island Effects

What are heat islands? – US Environmental Protection Agency


Positive Feedback Loops

Climate Feedback Loops – Wikipedia

Peatlands and climate change – IUCN


Section 4


Food footprint of sandwiches – Science Direct

Food footprint of burgers – Centre for Sustainable Systems

Food carbon footprints – Mike Berners-Lee. (2010). How Bad are Bananas: The Carbon Footprint of Everything. Profile Books: London, UK.

Food waste – WRAP

Section 5

Further Reading

General Reading

Carbon offset projects – The Guardian

What is carbon offsetting? – World Economic Forum

Scottish road made from waste plastics – BBC News

University of Cambridge sets science based climate change targets – Business Weekly

University of Cambridge removes beef and lamb from menu – University of Cambridge

Student switch off – NUS

Climate Ready Classrooms – Keep Scotland Beautiful

How green is your green tariff? – Which?

How universities are tackling climate change – Sustainability Exchange

How can improved soil and land management help to tackle climate change? – Soil Association

Carbon Trust energy advice – Carbon Trust

Aldi goes carbon neutral – Climate Partner

M & S action on climate change – Marks and Spencer

BBC albert carbon footprint – BBC

How can companies show leadership on climate change? – World Resources Institute

UK’s largest companies pledge hundreds of millions of pounds to tackle climate change – UK Government


Housing Associations

UK Government commit to 2050 net-zero target – BBC News

UK Climate Change Agreements by Sector – UK Government

Scottish climate change policy – Scottish Government

UK progress in preparing for climate change – Committee on Climate Change

Land use: Reducing emissions and preparing for climate change – Committee on Climate Change

How do we get to a net zero Britain? – Centre for Alternative Technology

A pathway for getting to net zero in the UK – Committee on Climate Change


Local Authorities

Bristol LEAP case study – Bristol Council

Manchester’s 2038 net zero Target – Manchester Climate

UK Carbon budgets and targets – Committee on Climate Change

Global action on climate change – Committee on Climate Change


Fire and Rescue

Sustainability and Climate Change for Fire and Rescue Services – National Fire Chiefs Council

“Governments have ignored the warnings of fire chiefs on bushfires” – The Guardian

Q&A: Understanding the impact climate change has on the fire service, communities they serve – Fire Rescue 1


General Reading

M & S case study – Marks & Spencer

A third of businesses now producing their own electricity – DJS

GSK case study – Love to Ride

Naturesave case study – Climate Perks

Electric car hire – E-Car Club

Car sharing club – Co-Wheels

Student switch off case study – NUS

ISS case study

Climate Ready Classrooms – Keep Scotland Beautiful

albert – BBC

LEAP – Bristol Council

University of Cambridge case study

Dell case study

Aldi case study – Climate Partner


Housing Associations and Local Authorities

Bike hire membership case study – Inside Housing

Energy efficiency advice case study – Northwards Housing

Energy efficiency advice case study – Groundwork


Fire and Rescue

Energy efficiency advice case study – SHINE

Section 6

Further Reading

Renewable capacity – REN21

Greenland case study – The Guardian

Iceland case study – Icelandic Government

Saving the Red Sea Coral Reef case study – World Economic Forum

Climate-Smart Agriculture Plans case study – The World Bank

United Nations Conference of the Parties – UNFCCC

Greta Thunberg case study – The Independent

EU net zero carbon target case study – BBC News

Copenhagen case study – Irish Times

Finland case study – CBC

Kolkata case study – Indian Express

The Kroger Company case study – The Hill

Net-Zero case study – BBC News

Extinction Rebellion case study – XR

Coldplay case study – BBC News

Orkney case study – Scottish Government

Go Fossil Free case study – BBC News

Driving for change case study – Go Fossil Free

Renewables case study – The Guardian

Smart solar rail case study – Business Green

Section 7


Section 8

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