This pack contains all the information to help you design and deliver your first Carbon Literacy® course, and the documents you’ll need to submit to The Project so that we can certify your learners as Carbon Literate.
Resources – materials to assist you in course design.
NB: If you wish to proceed with Carbon Literacy training you must Contact Us first. This is because the alignment of your training to the CL Standard, and how this is evidenced, has to be agreed before you commence, and there are cost implications for your certification process.
The Carbon Literacy Trainer Certification Scheme contains three distinct tiers of certification, each reflecting increasing levels of Carbon Literacy training and support expertise.
– Carbon Literacy Facilitator (CLF) (Level 1)
– Carbon Literacy Trainer (CLT) (Level 2)
– Carbon Literacy Consultant (CLC) (Level 3)
These certifications identify and distinguish our most experienced and accomplished Carbon Literacy Trainers, Facilitators and Consultants.
Please note that to be accredited through the Carbon Literacy Trainer Certification Scheme, you are first required to have delivered Carbon Literacy training – find out more and Get Started.
I think the most positive aspect of helping to deliver the training was in sharing views and perspectives with the other trainers and the people participating on the course. With such a diverse range of participants from across the organisation, it makes you more aware of the impact and successes of the Council as a whole and of where you can play a part in this.
Andrew Chase, Policy Officer Directorate for Families, Health and Wellbeing at Manchester City Council
Becoming a Carbon Literacy Trainer has been one of the most rewarding experiences during my time at Manchester Metropolitan University, and one of the best opportunities for progressing my aspirations for a career in sustainability.
Helen Filby, Manchester Met University – CLT
By teaching about Climate Change in lessons I feel like we are helping to save the world in a small way. I am very proud that a lot of pupils gained the Carbon Literacy award. I know that there are many, many more of our pupils who are capable of this now. They are confident enough to talk about the science of Climate Change and how to stop it increasing. These pupils now have the confidence to teach others about Global Warming and Climate Change. They have taught parents, pupils, outside agency and schools in other countries.
Margaret Lynch-Deakin, Teacher at Heald Place Primary School
You can't necessarily on a day-to-day basis see the impact of climate change but all these things are happening and they're things that have implications for our survival. [With Carbon Literacy] people are consistently coming away with that understanding and, critically, with the motivation to do something about it … they leave the room pumped and ready to go.
Richard Smith, Sustainability Manager at the BBC – CLT
I found the experience of being a CLF at Manchester Museum a very positive one. Its enabled me to help staff understand the issues around Carbon Literacy and to give them an understanding of how they can contribute to reducing [climate changes'] impact[s]. Its been a great experience chatting and discussing with a wide range of colleagues and especially seeing those for whom it’s been a real revelation and inspiration to take action. I would highly recommend it to anyone.
Michael Whitworth, Manchester Museum
"Going through the process of being an accredited trainer gave me confidence in my delivery and the course content. It made it easier for me to develop our own courses as I was able to use my reflections to inform how I would design activities and discussions. It also helps to show you have added support from CLP and that they endorse you delivering their courses."
Emily Hirst, The Hive - CLT
The CL Trainer Certification Scheme showcases an administrator or facilitator, trainer or consultant as:
1. Carbon Literate
2. Very familiar with the Carbon Literacy Standard
3. Experienced at a specific level of CL course design and delivery
– A certified CLF will have a level of experience and expertise in either arranging, organising and supporting and communicating a training initiative for learners to meet the Standard, and/or assisting with the direct delivery of training and supporting learners in a face to face environment.
– A certified CLT/CLC will have a defined level of experience and expertise, as indicated by the certification tier they have achieved, and will have passed an assessment of training delivery and communication skills to reflect that tier.
– A certified CLT/CLC will be given a profile on the online trainer register and priority in being offered training referrals which come via The Project. The certification will underline trainer and consultancy qualification and experience when trainers pitch for their own CL training work.
If you’re thinking of applying for one of our trainer accreditations, at Carbon Literacy Facilitator or Trainer, please first take a look at the CLT Standard below to ensure you’re meeting all requirements, and then email for your application pack.
– These certifications can contribute directly toward Carbon Literate Organisation (CLO) and Carbon Literacy Training Organisation (CLTO) accreditations for any organisation that the holder works for.