Funding for You

Every so often we come across grants or funding applications that aren’t appropriate for us, but which those we work with could apply to. When we do, we will list these here – helping you to roll out Carbon Literacy to your audience.


'Charity Pot' Grant

‘Charity Pot’ is a Lush hand and body cream where 100% of all sales (minus local taxes) are distributed as grants, to groups working in the areas of:

  • Animal Protection
  • Environment
  • Human Rights (incl. social justice, peace & equality)

Charity Pot grants range from £100, up to a maximum of £10,000 per project/application.  The average Charity Pot grant is between £2,000 – £4,000.  It is unusual to award the maximum of £10,000, as this reduces the range of projects that can be supported.

Apply here


'Bags of Help' Grant

Bags of Help is Tesco’s local community grant scheme where the money raised by the carrier bag charge in Tesco stores is being used to fund thousands of community projects across the UK*. The projects must meet the criteria of bringing benefits to the community.

Bags of Help is administered by Groundwork which is working with Greenspace Scotland to support successful projects in Scotland.

Apply here

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