Our News

Distance Delivery of Carbon Literacy

April 2020 by Helen Filby

A quick update as to where we are in terms of “distance delivery” of Carbon Literacy.

We now expect that, even as we anticipate the lifting of full lockdown, conditions of social distancing are likely to last some time. However delivery of Carbon Literacy is continuing with undiminished enthusiasm. As face to face workshops are not currently possible, delivery is now taking place using online resources and various online platforms, that allow for learner interaction with a wider group, so that the Group Enquiry requirements of the CL Standard are still met.

In recent days we have established a Distance Delivery Working Group of CLTOs, CLOs, and our biggest training partners, and for the last three weeks the group has been working to develop best practice and guidance for distance delivery, and testing how delivery of CL at scale can be done successfully in this way. We’ve created an online platform for the working group, based (after discussion and research) on Microsoft Teams, but using Zoom for video-conferencing, to enable both efficient discussion and resource sharing, and so we can develop and inform best practice for everyone who wants to use a distance delivery model for Carbon Literacy (or indeed other online training).

This platform will be opened up to all organisations in the next couple of weeks, once the guidance is slightly more developed and we have more feedback from the first wave of distance-delivered courses already taking place. We hope that opening up this platform will help and facilitate your delivery of Carbon Literacy during a time of limited social contact, and signpost you to the best tools and techniques if you are planning on doing so.

If you plan to, or are already developing a course for distance delivery, please get in touch and we can point you in some of the right directions. Furthermore, because substantially adapted existing courses will need re-criteria-checking, we are currently re-accrediting all courses being adapted for distance delivery, free of charge. Contact us for details if you would like to understand this offer better.

Whilst global lockdown in a viral pandemic is clearly an “opportunity” none of us would have chosen if we’d had any choice, developing distance delivery resources and courses not only enables training and development to continue now, during the lockdown, but also presents a positive opportunity for the recovery afterwards. Equipped with a wider range of courses and tools, organisations are now able to begin to offer training to those who might have previously struggled to access it, due to physical location, travel or time limitations. “Tooled-up” not just with all our existing resources but a new range of courses, tools, skills and techniques, we will be even better equipped to bring Carbon Literacy to a wider range of people and places. We therefore hope Carbon Literacy will soon be able to reach further and wider than ever before.

As always we are left in awe at the willingness of the CL community to adapt, the speed of progress through this process, and as always, the willingness and enthusiasm of everyone to work together and share expertise, in support of our collective action on climate change.

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