Declaring a climate emergency is a compelling commitment that an inspiring three-quarters of UK Councils have taken, but it can also lead to the question – ‘what next?’.
Climate change isn’t a new issue for most councils, but the declaration gives a powerful impetus to reduce emissions as swiftly as possible. To deliver this rapid transformation everybody needs to be on board, up to speed and actively engaged with the process of creating and implementing solutions.
Is this a big ask? Yes!
It’s a huge call to action for any team, but you’re not alone, and we have resources to support you in this.
Providing timely support on delivering effective action to reach net-zero
To support this crucial process and provide the essential foundation training needed for staff, The Carbon Literacy Project has developed certified Carbon Literacy Toolkits specifically for local authorities.
With funding from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) via The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), we have tested and piloted the training with thirteen different local authorities across England and Wales.
The resulting Toolkit is in a ready-to-go, easily accessible format for in-house delivery and enables councils to create dynamic, interactive training which has multiple benefits. The Toolkits are already accredited and free to download for any council. Therefore the only cost is the £10 certification application fee for each learner.
Powerful, positive feedback from local authorities
The jumble of media and political activity regarding policy and impacts can create uncertainty as to what the accurate picture for the UK is. In this environment, creating a well thought out response that not only tackles the most urgent problems but in the most effective way, can be difficult.
The CL Toolkit offers clarity and simplicity, and actively engages council staff, encouraging everyone to come together to understand their role and impact within the organisation, whilst working to develop a coherent plan of timely, realistic solutions.
We have had powerful feedback from local authorities on the efficacy of the process and on the transformative potential training staff can have in their organisation to tackle this most critical issue:
“It’s vital. It’s urgent. It can’t wait. Very interactive and engaging. Powerful.”
“It is within our power to make big change!… This training helps identify clear actions and empower that change.”
“You will learn and think about things you hadn’t previously considered, regardless of your level of knowledge.”
“We all have a part to play in tackling this climate emergency. Please act now!”
Key take-aways for learners undertaking the course include understanding the jobs and health benefits created by active transport networks, retrofitted homes and green infrastructure. Participants gain an appreciation of the various ways that councils can raise funds through clean air zones and renewable power generation, whilst also lowering air pollution and reducing fuel poverty.
The CL Toolkit is a fantastic way to open up ideas and discussions to navigate a route to net-zero.
Engaging content and activities
The Local Authorities Toolkit delivers accurate, easy to understand climate science, and clarity on the local, national and global impacts of climate change. The training is adaptable and can be tailored to your specific local authority including local policy details for maximum relevance.
The engaging format means learners are carried through the process with stimulating videos, energising activities and thought-provoking discussion. The course shows that climate action can have numerous co-benefits and that building back better beyond Covid will help create a more resilient, healthy and prosperous UK.
Local authorities have crucial influence over 40% of emissions nationally, so it’s imperative that all staff are aware of the potential for substantial action.
The Carbon Literacy Toolkit for Local Authorities provides that key pathway to a definitive strategy and action plan. To find out more please visit our Local Authorities webpage, then contact the team via to discover how easy it is to begin the process.