Our News

Price Matrix Updates

July 2022 by Emma Richards

Photo by Angèle Kamp on Unsplash

We announced two months ago, at the end of May, that we would be making some changes to our pricing as of the 1st of August 2022. We also said that the plan was to share this with you, in July, ahead of the changes taking effect. We’re happy to let you know that these changes have now been finalised and you can find the updated Price Matrix here.

All invoices processed from the 1st of August will be at the new pricing as we move to the new system.

To help you understand the key structural changes to the Price Matrix, please find further details below.

1. ‘Criteria Checking’ or Course Review and Accreditation

The table has been split out more clearly into the three key audience types:

a. Workplace

  • A new pricing tier for the largest corporate organisations (£1B + Organisational Revenue / Turnover) has been introduced.

b. Education
In light of our extensive work with Higher and Further Education, and the development of wider CL for the education sector (with the Department for Education as a result of its Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy):

  • Higher Ed. and Further Ed. have been split into their own pricing tiers.
  • A new pricing tier for Nurseries has been introduced.

c. Community

  • A new pricing tier for very small organisations (< £25k Organisational Revenue / Turnover) has been introduced.


2. Individual Certificate Applications

  • A new pricing tier for the largest corporate organisations (£100M + Organisational Revenue / Turnover) has been introduced.
  • Further clarification around the assignment of funds to either the Community Pot or Ring-fenced Projects has been provided.


3. Carbon Literate Organisations (CLO) Accreditation

  • A new pricing tier for the largest corporate organisations (£1B + Organisational Revenue / Turnover) has been introduced.
  • A new pricing tier for very small organisations (< £25k Organisational Revenue / Turnover) has been introduced. To ensure CLO accreditation is affordable, organisations applying at this tier will not be eligible for a CLO trophy.
  • In most tiers, the inflation increase in cost has almost entirely been applied to Bronze CLO. This is to ensure that organisations do not use CLO to greenwash.
  • It is always cheaper to upgrade to the next level of CLO, than it is to renew at the same level.


4. Carbon Literate Educator (CLE) Accreditation

  • New accreditation for organisations within formal education announced – launch TBC.


5. Carbon Literacy ‘Trainer’ Accreditation

a. Level 1 – Carbon Literacy Facilitator (CLF)

  • CLF is now free: dependent upon attending a 1-hour ‘Delivering Successful Carbon Literacy’ workshop – launching in August.

b. Level 2 – Carbon Literacy Trainer (CLT)

  • No structural change

c. Level 3 – Carbon Literacy Consultant (CLC)

  • Pricing split-out between those working as independent Carbon Literacy Trainers, and Trainers delivering Carbon Literacy as part of an organisation.


6. Carbon Literacy Training Organisation (CLTO) Accreditation

  • Changes to CLTO pricing will be shared directly with CLTOs.


The updated Price Matrix that will go live as of the 1st of August can be found here.

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