Social Housing

Carbon Literacy Toolkit for Social Housing

What is the Carbon Literacy® Toolkit for Social Housing?

The Carbon Literacy Toolkit for Social Housing provides you with the tools and resources needed to deliver a day’s worth of Carbon Literacy training. The Toolkit comprises of pre-accredited Carbon Literacy training materials for organisations and staff in the Social Housing sector, and tenants and communities who live in or engage with housing association homes or schemes. The materials focus on what housing organisations, tenants and communities can do in their roles to reduce carbon emissions whether that be in the workplace, at home or in the community. The Carbon Literacy Toolkit for Social Housing has been co-developed by Great Places Housing Group and course development has been funded by the Carbon Literacy for Registered Providers (CL4RPs) Consortium.

Why Carbon Literacy for Social Housing?

Estimates suggest 20% of UK homes already overheat and 5.2 million UK homes regularly flood. With extreme weather events increasing in frequency and intensity in the UK, climate change is a serious concern for households and communities. Many of the demographic groups who are overrepresented in social housing (as compared to the general population) are also expected to experience the impacts of climate change sooner and more severely than others.

For social housing providers, many of the solutions you can implement already exist in the market. The challenge is finding ways to do this effectively, affordably, and quickly. Carbon Literacy training is appropriate for all members of the workforce and customer-base at any housing organisation. The training has the most benefit when rolled out across the whole organisation, as this bolsters the cumulative effect of every Carbon Literate individual’s low-carbon action, and nurtures meaningful and significant long-term decarbonisation.


Social Housing Staff Course

Aimed at employees working in a social housing environment in any position, including board members.

A complete slide deck, trainer manual, activity resources and running order.

There is no e-learning pathway currently available. Please contact for e-learning queries.

Please contact to discuss how to access the Social Housing Toolkit for your organisation.

Produced in partnership with
Great Places Housing Group

Course development funded by
Carbon Literacy for Registered Providers (CL4Ps) Consortium

Course Overview

Social Housing Householders Course

Aimed at any members of the community who live in or engage with housing association homes or schemes.

A complete slide deck, trainer manual, activity resources and running order.

There is no e-learning pathway currently available. Please contact for e-learning queries.

Please contact to discuss how to access the Social Housing Toolkit for your community.


Other Carbon Literacy Training for Social Housing

Carbon Literacy Cartrefi Cymru (CLCC)

A consortium of Welsh Registered Social Landlords. Members of CLCC meet regularly in Communities of Practice to share their experiences of organising and delivering the training, as well as the actions they are implementing as a result.

The CLCC course was produced in partnership with:
Great Places Housing Group
Cynnal Cymru – Sustain Wales

Course development was funded by:
Carbon Literacy Cartrefi Cymru (CLCC) consortium

If you are part of a Welsh Registered Social Landlord, click here for more information and how to get involved.

"We want all our staff, board members, and potentially some residents to be Carbon Literate so they can understand their own carbon footprint, then develop actions in their homes and in the workplace to reduce it."

Robin Lawler, CEO of Northwards Housing

"Carbon Literacy was the first environmental training where we saw the benefit of getting every member of staff trained." "A key outcome from the Carbon Literacy training has been that people are now approaching the environment team to make improvements within their working environment."

Great Places – Silver

"Overall this has been a hugely positive experience, with staff still being training and passing their Carbon Literacy with flying colours on a regular basis."

New Charter – Silver

"Based on the commitments the staff made during the training, the estimated carbon saving is 77 tonnes CO2."

Northwards – Platinum

“We were looking for a training course that would ensure all staff received the same level of environmental understanding, for a reasonable cost. Carbon Literacy fit these criteria perfectly”.

Great Places Housing – Platinum CLO

"It’s really encouraging that since the training a lot of people are talking about reducing their carbon footprint and two people have told us that they have made the decision to change their cars off the back of the training.”

New Charter Group – Silver CLO

“Since the training has been completed our Green Energy Advisor has been inundated with requests from our teams to provide energy advice to our tenants... Based on the pledges the staff made during the training, the estimated initial carbon saving is 77 tonnes CO2.”

Northwards Housing – Platinum CLO

"We need to face up to this major challenge, partly because of the health and quality of life of our own residents. We want to clean up the air that they breathe, we want to reduce the use of plastic that's cluttering our rivers and our green spaces. We want to put Greater Manchester in a position of leadership on this crucial issue that will shape the 21st century, but if we are to succeed it does require radical action now."

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester

Request a Course

To request one or more of the available courses for Social Housing, please Contact Us listing ‘Social Housing Toolkit’ as the subject. Please include the following:

  • A recognised social housing provider email address
  • Which course you are requesting?
  • Why you are interested in this particular sectoral course?

If you’d prefer not to use the contact form, please email us at


For any enquiries relating to Carbon Literacy for Social Housing please contact us at

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