Our News

2018 in Review

January 2019 by Emma Richards

2018 has been a very exciting year for The Carbon Literacy Project! Working with our incredible team of volunteers, Trustees and CL trainers, Carbon Literacy has again exceeded expectations, reaching further and wider than ever before.

Almost 2000 learners have been certified this year, meaning we’ll be starting 2019 with around 9000 certified Carbon Literate individuals who are taking action and sharing knowledge about climate change with their colleagues, friends and family.

We’ve also welcomed 1 CL Facilitator, 11 CL Trainers, 3 CL Training Organisations, and 9 CL Organisations to our accredited Carbon Literacy family.


Additionally, in 2018 we’ve –

  • Updated our Carbon Literacy Standard
  • Produced a set of Brand Guidelines to help our partner organisation use our logos and text correctly
  • Designed a new, more in-depth evidence collection sheet to align with the science behind getting to zero carbon
  • Started producing the Carbon Literacy Training News newsletter for those designing and delivering CL training
  • Launched our new website, funded by Patagonia’s Environmental Grant

Read on to find out about some of our highlights from 2018 and key dates for 2019!


Glowing endorsements for CL at the GM Green Summit

The first Greater Manchester Green Summit on Wednesday 26th March 2018 saw the coming together of the great and good of sustainable Manchester to seek out pathways to a zero carbon Greater Manchester by 2040. Carbon Literacy was mentioned (many times!) by speakers as being a key to creating low carbon culture within organisations and communities.

Read more here

CL Business Green Awards Nomination

Also earlier this year, The Carbon Literacy Project was shortlisted for Environmental Awareness Campaign of the Year in the Business Green Leaders Awards 2018. These national awards are the ‘Oscars’ of the business world in regards to sustainability, which saw The Project competing against much larger organisations such as the category winners – RE100.

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CL’s Trip to Germany

In October we took a trip to Europe to showcase what Carbon Literacy is, how it works, and the ways it can be applied to an organisation already well engaged with the climate change agenda. After such a positive visit we hope to be able to work with this organisation much more in the future, and hopefully, on those occasions, let you know who it is that we’ve been working with.

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A Great ‘Green Great Britain Week’

Green GB Week has been designed to highlight the opportunities clean growth offers the UK, as well as improving understanding of how business, and the public, can contribute to tackling climate change. Carbon Literacy training sessions were held by a number of organisations, both across the UK and further afield into Europe. Over 100 people, from 28 organisations, were trained during the week.

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Leading a Carbon Neutral GM

On the 21st of March at the Green City Summit, evidence was presented to accelerate the Greater Manchester’s (GM) drive to carbon neutrality. In response to this, it was decided that three ‘Leading a Carbon Neutral GM’ workshops would be held, inviting all public sector chief executives in GM, as well as those of the social housing sector, and some agenda-setters in the private and voluntary sectors.

Read more here


Important dates for your diary in 2019

10th Jan              CL for Interested Organisations

22nd-23rd Jan    MMU’s CL Train-the-Trainer Course

28th Jan              CL Pioneers

8th Feb                CLO Application Deadline

21st Mar              CLO Awards

25th Mar             Greater Manchester Green Summit

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