Our News

January 2019 by Emma Richards

Lunch and Learn at TfGM

In the run-up to Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) launching Carbon Literacy as an organisation-wide initiative, we were invited to hold a 'Lunch and Learn' session...

Lunch and Learn at TfGM
January 2019 by Helen Filby

Halfway there!

Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash So we're halfway through our office vegan-January challenge, and still no cheese in sight! I think one thing we've...

Halfway there!
January 2019 by Helen Filby


Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash For the fifth year in a row since its UK launch in 2014, record-breaking numbers have signed up for...

January 2019 by Helen Filby

December’s Carbon Literacy Newsletter

Read the full December Newsletter to find out what’s been happening in the world of Carbon Literacy. You can also view past newsletters, and subscribe to future newsletters.  

December’s Carbon Literacy Newsletter
January 2019 by Emma Richards

2018 in Review

2018 has been a very exciting year for The Carbon Literacy Project! Working with our incredible team of volunteers, Trustees and CL trainers, Carbon Literacy...

2018 in Review
December 2018 by Luke Walton

MMU Trains World’s First CL Engineering Students

After much hard work, Manchester Metropolitan University is thrilled to have trained the first, fully certified, Carbon Literate Engineering students in the world. They posted about their...

MMU Trains World’s First CL Engineering Students
December 2018 by Lynsey Jones

Carbon Literacy for Dinosaurs?

The Natural History Museum's famous dinosaur, Dippy the Diplodocus, is leaving the museum for the first time to go on a tour of the UK. Rochdale...

Carbon Literacy for Dinosaurs?
December 2018 by Helen Filby

KSB Become the First Scottish CLTO

After much hard work, Keep Scotland Beautiful is thrilled to have become the first fully certified Carbon Literacy Training Organisation in Scotland. They posted a short insert...

KSB Become the First Scottish CLTO
November 2018 by Helen Filby

November’s Carbon Literacy Newsletter

Read the full November Newsletter to find out what's been happening in the world of Carbon Literacy. You can also view past newsletters, and subscribe to future newsletters.

November’s Carbon Literacy Newsletter
November 2018 by Emma Richards

Call For Applications: CLO Awards 2019

Key Information The Next CLO Award Ceremony: March 2019 (Details TBC) Deadline for CLO Applications: 6 pm Friday 8th February 2019 In March 2019 we will...

Call For Applications: CLO Awards 2019
November 2018 by Natalia Phipps

World’s First Carbon Literacy Training Organisations

We're excited to announce that we now have three organisation with CLTO (Carbon Literacy Training Organisation) status - Keep Scotland Beautiful, Great Places Housing, and...

World’s First Carbon Literacy Training Organisations
November 2018 by Flavia Marini

‘Every Little Helps’… But Does it Really?

There are many instances where every little helps - When trying to reach a fundraising goal; When collecting a set number of signatures; When managing...

‘Every Little Helps’… But Does it Really?

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